13hrs on a plane with a toddler!!!
Well, I was scared to death about flying all the way to Singapore with a 22 month old!
What if she throws a fit and won’t calm down?
What if the only thing to calm her is bottle after bottle of milk & then she throws it all up on me?
What if she won’t sleep for even 1 of the 13 hours?
What if the whole first day of the holiday is a complete wash out because I’m so tired after a nightmare flight with a little one?
Well I have to say she was a dream. She ended up sleeping for 8 hours straight! (I had to keep checking she was still alive!)
The flight attendants were so friendly and helped to keep her amused.
She was mesmerised by everything going on around her on the plane, and when she wasn’t a little bit of careful planning went a long way!
Snacks, snacks and more snacks were a god send!
And a few different toys, writing pad & pencils, as well as some well loved books were also fantastic at keeping her occupied.
One or two walks up and down the plane helped to stretch her legs and an episode or two of Peppa Pig also helped!
I just hope my next experience which isn’t during the night, is as easy!